
HB to me

I spent my entire 39th year dreading my 40th birthday. I wasn’t where I wanted to be in life and it was more distressing that I realized. And now, as I turn 41 and I realize what a waste of energy that was. It was necessary and inevitable, but a complete waste of energy.

Birthdays make me introspective and this one’s no exception. I spent the last year looking ahead and trying to figure out what I wanted for myself. Now that I’ve figured that out (well, mostly), I’m forging ahead. First up – moving goals forward or taking them off the to-do list. Two of those goals are re-engaging with my blog, and getting some of my oft-requested knitting patterns online.

So keep an eye on this space. It’s going to be quite a year.

The next set of classes will be open for registration on Tuesday.

This week I decided to take things one day at a time, one step at a time. Since I’m alone in my section for the week, and carrying a 3-person workload, it’s clear to everyone around me that not everything can get done. It’s not fair to even think that everything can get done. So I’m not doing it all – I’m not even trying. I’m just putting one foot in front of the other and taking it moment by moment and not letting things get to me.

The outcome is: I’m working later than I should, but not as late as I usually do. I’m not bringing work home with me and I’ve actually managed to keep the house looking respectable.

All in all, I’d say my approach is working. Now all I’ve got to do is find some time to knit.

A halloween headache

I've got a bit of a headache

Big Green Shawl

It’s done. Big Green Shawl (BGS) is done. Just over a year, countless skeins of Arequipa, one very long 3.25 mm circular needle, and more hours that I’d care to count.

I’m too tired to figure out how to get photos into my posts. If you’re a Raveler, take a peak here.  If you’re not, bear with me – I’ll figure it out eventually. Blogging’s no fun if you can share your photos!

It’s that time of year again. The Curling season has begun. We spent this Friday evening, all day Saturday and most of Sunday at the Cathy Kerr Wheelchair Curling Bonspiel. Mum’s team came last (again) – but they seem to have had lots of fun….and isn’t that what counts.

A weekend of curling equals many hours of knitting. So, what did you knit this weekend? I started and finished a hat, booties and mitts for a wee one won’t appear in this world until early next year.

Photos will come tomorrow – the cord (now located) is on a different floor from me.

(Ack, LS just figured out that I’m blogging from her computer instead of editing her cover letter! She’s acusing me of being a bad blogger and telling me that there are places for people like me who blog about nothing…and of course, writing this is making her nuts. tee hee)

Happy Turkey Day

It’s been a busy thanksgiving weekend here in Edgar & Delila world. There’s been catching up with old friends, knitting of shawls and carrots,  acrobats and all-you-can-eat sushi, and two Thanksgiving dinners.

Photos will follow (I’ve misplaced my camera cord again). I can’t wait to show you my wings!


Mags Kandis and the felted skirt

Mags Kandis and the felted skirt

Mags and the Vogue Travellers

Mags and the Vogue TravellersShawl by Kate Gilbert

Mags Kandis at work

Mags Kandis at work

Gayle Bunn wows 'em

Gayle Bunn wows

Gayle Bunn

Gayle Bunn

One guy

One guy

This poor guy was the only man on the Vogue tour. He was someone’s exceedingly patient, and exceedingly bored, husband. I felt sorry for him, but he toughed it out and seemed impressed with the felted boots he’s holding in the picture.